VADETS is a Professional Driver Education Association with the mission to improve the quality of driver education and provide effective instruction to new drivers in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
The VADETS membership is drawn from over 2,500 driver education professionals who teach in public, private, and driver training schools.
We hope you find the information and links useful in your quest to provide young drivers with the skills needed to drive a motor vehicle safely.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact us. See below for specific topics and email addresses for assistance:
Janet Ragland Memorial Scholarship
VADETS' mission is currently impacted by the shortage of endorsed Driver Education teachers in the Commonwealth, and so the organization has created the Janet Ragland Memorial Scholarship to address the need. In 2025, VADETS will provide twenty $1000 scholarships to reimburse licensed teachers who complete the two courses required for endorsement.
Instructions for the scholarships:
· Scholarship applicants must be:
- licensed teachers (includes those with provisional licenses),
- be under contract with a school division,
- cannot currently receive other tuition assistance, and
- complete BOTH endorsement courses and the competency exam with at least an 80% before January 15, 2026.
· A maximum of two scholarships will be awarded within the same school division.
· Applications must be received before midnight March 21, 2025. Awards will be made March 27, 2025.
2025 Driver Education Endorsement Classes
If you have questions, contact:
A. Vonnie Colvin, Ed.D.
Coordinator for the Janet Ragland Memorial Scholarship
Registration for the 2025 VADETS In-Person Conference begins on March 3, 2025. The conference will take place at JMU on July 13, 2025. Click the Join Us link.
VADETS Workbooks
The study guide/workbook provides the framework for the content in the Curriculum and is also designed to assist students in learning safety concepts.
The Virginia Driver Education Curriculum has been updated to meet the 2022 Driver Education Standards.
Cost of Workbooks
$200 per case which includes standard shipping and handling (*A request for expedited shipping will incur an additional cost to the district/school.)
Each case contains 50 study guide/workbooks.
Workbooks will be shipped in multiples of 50 only - no pickup allowed
For general information about workbooks email
For questions about invoices or payments email
Learner's Permit Test Prep
For students who would like more practice for the learner's permit test or who have failed the learner's permit test 3 times, click here for more information and to register for the course.
VADETS Online Course
VADETS is Virginia’s teacher association for the improvement of driver education & traffic safety. The VADETS online driver education course provides an alternative educational opportunity for public, private and home-schooled students. Click here for more information and to register for the course.
Poster, Bumper Sticker, License Plate ContestThe Virginia Association of Driver Education and Traffic Safety (VADETS) is sponsoring a poster, bumper sticker, and license plate contest. The contest will be judged at the VADETS State Conference in July. The theme is general traffic safety and students should select issues or topics they feel are important to driver education. Each school should conduct its own contest and teachers may submit the best three (3) entries in each category at the conference. All submissions for contests are due 5/16/2025. Questions may be submitted to Teachers can submit a picture of posters, bumper stickers & license plates to this Google Folder (name file with student's name) and bring them to the conference or mail them to: VADETS PO Box 1 Powhatan, VA 23139 The winner of the PSA Contest was Indian River HS. Upload a student named folder, containing PSAs & Paragraphs, into this Google Folder. | TEACHER OF THE YEAR Congratulations to our 2024 Driver Education Teachers of the Year! Classroom TOY: Nick Schwarz - Freedom High School In-Car TOY: Amy Dignan, Prince William County Public Schools For information about Teacher of the Year and to nominate a teacher for next school year, please visit this link to download and email ( or mail the completed form to: VADETS Teacher of the Year Committee PO Box 1 Powhatan, Va 23139 TOY nominations are due 5/16/2025. 2024 Teacher Excellence Award Please join us in congratulating our fellow board member and colleague, Debbie Fry, on being selected the 2024 Teacher Excellence Award winner for ADTSEA! She received the award and made a presentation at the ADTSEA Conference July 21-24 in Albany, NY. Debbie is the HPE Department Chair at Indian River HS in Chesapeake. Congratulations on this prestigious award! | Buckle Up Phone Down!Did you know it is illegal in Virginia to hold a handheld communication device (phone) while operating a moving motor vehicle? Still, we see drivers doing it every day. At any given daylight moment across America, approximately 660,000 drivers are using cell phones or manipulating electronic devices while driving. Please don’t be one of them. Other distractions, like eating, applying makeup, adjusting the radio or air conditioning, can also be dangerous. Anything that draws your attention away from the task of driving is distracted driving and can cause a crash. _____________________________________ Driven To Protect Discovery Hub See the link below to see an overview about the Driven to Protect Discovery Hub: This is a great way for educators to learn more about their online resources. Download social media content from Driven To Protect for Teen/Driver safety week. _____________________________ 55th ANNUAL SERADTSEA CONFERENCE February 20-22, 2025 Williamsburg Lodge 310 S. England Street, Williamsburg, VA·
Additionally: More than 40 shops and restaurants within walking distance in Merchants Square Golf nearby on award-winning Robert Trent Jones, Sr. and Rees Jones-designed Golden Horseshoe Golf Course; 45 holes of golf, including golf instruction and driving range 20 minutes from Newport News-Williamsburg International Airport; 45 minutes from Richmond International Airport; 45 minutes from Norfolk International Airport -------------------------------------------------------------Drive Smart Annual Distracted Driving Summit August 7 & 8, 2025