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Parent and Students: You MUST select the appropriate form below and have principal permission before you can register for a class. The completed form will be the first document the student uploads in the Canvas "Mile Zero" assignment.

Please choose the appropriate eligibility and permission form below.  Students will need to scan and upload the completed eligibility form into the Canvas Course.  Most smartphones have a scanning feature in the camera or notes app.

Effective July 1, 2022, all students enrolled in classroom driver education must complete a student/parent component. This component has been incorporated into the VADETS online driver education program and needs to be completed with a parent.

According to Section §22.1-205 of the Virginia Code, all students residing in District 8 (Northern Virginia) are required to complete an in-person 90-minute Partners for Safe Teen Driving presentation to satisfy the parent engagement component of a state-approved classroom driver education course. Additionally, Virginia Driver Education and Traffic Safety (VADETS) is required to get permission from your public school for you to take the course online and the authorized school official must also agree to provide the in-person 90-minute parent engagement presentation and proctor the final exam.  Students and parents MUST attend a 90-minute Parent/Teen presentation before students may take the final exam.

NEW! Non-district 8 private school students may take the VADETS online course. The private school administrator must sign the eligibility form ensuring a school employee will proctor the final exam in-person. 

Non-public and private school students in District 8 are required to use one of the DMV-licensed computer-based classroom driver education programs according to §46.2-1702. Private school students in District 8 and virtual school students may use one of the DMV-approved computer-based programs available at this link:  DMV-licensed online driver training schools.


  • A rising sophomore who understands that they must complete all driver education instruction taught in lieu of the 36 periods of health instruction required as part of the HPE-10 course.
  • Did not pass the classroom phase of driver education but successfully completed grade 10 Health and Physical Education (HPE-10).
  • Transferred to a public school in Virginia in eleventh or twelfth grade.
  • Receiving homebound instruction (must be verified by an authorized school official).
  • Driver education is offered as an elective course, not as part of the HPE-10 diploma requirement.
  • Homeschool student.
  • Non-district 8 private school student. 

    VADETS is Virginia’s teacher association for the improvement of driver education & traffic safety. 

    The goal of driver education is to transfer traffic safety knowledge and skills into injury prevention behaviors. Throughout the course, emphasis is placed on extended supervised practice with a licensed parent or guardian to develop precision in the application of skills and processes to effectively manage risks. 

    For more information about the Goals of Driver Education and to see the Student and Parent Terms for the VADETS course, click here

    This course was designed by experienced Virginia Driver Education teachers and is approved by the Departments of Education and Motor Vehicles for public and home-schooled students with proper documentation. 

      Technology Requirements

      • Students need access to a laptop, desktop, or Chromebook to complete the course.
      • Mobile devices CANNOT be used to take the course or submit assignments.
      • Using the Chrome browser is recommended, when using Safari or other browser in Canvas, some images or other items may not be viewable.
      • If you do not have access to a device other than a phone, please contact vadetsonline@gmail.com to request a $100 refund and be removed from the course. Refunds are only available within 30 days of the course start date.

        Effective July 1, 2022, all students enrolled in classroom driver education must complete a student/parent component. This component has been incorporated into the VADETS online driver education program and needs to be completed with a parent.

        Upon successful completion of the course, the parent will receive by mail a Certificate of Completion Form. Once you have received the certificate of completion the student can enroll in a state-approved behind-the-wheel driver education course.

        Online Learning is not for everyone. The student must:

        • Make a personal commitment.

        • Be self-motivated.

        • Be able to learn independently.

        • Be computer literate.

        • Have good time-management skills.

        • Have effective written communication skills.

        • Have an email address and Internet access.

          If this course sounds like a good fit for your child, choose a course, register and pay for the course at https://vadriveredcourses.vadets.info/.  Please note the names next to each course are the teachers' names and District 8 means you live in Northern Virginia. 

          Click here for a document that can assist you with registration and payment.

          The cost for this course is $119.00.

          For more information, please contact the administrator of the course at vadetsonline@gmail.com

          If you took your online Driver Education course through VADETS and have misplaced your DEC certificate of completion form, use the link below to order a duplicate. Cost for the replacement is $10 + shipping cost.

          For more information, please contact the administrator of the course at vadetsonline@gmail.com

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