Virginia Association for Driver Education and Traffic Safety (VADETS) Constitution
Article I – NAME
Section 1: The organization shall be called the Virginia Association for Driver Education and Traffic Safety.
Article II – PURPOSE
Section 1: The purposes of the association are as follows: · To awaken and promote a wide and intelligent interest in driver education and traffic safety. · To acquire and disseminate accurate professional information. · To aid in the development and promotion of excellent programs in driver education and traffic safety. · To promote excellence in the professional preparation certification standards for driver education and traffic safety. · To coordinate the professional interests and efforts in transportation and highway safety.
Section 2: VADETS is organized exclusively for educational and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.
No part of the net earnings if the association shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the Statement of Purpose.
· No substantial part of the activities of the association shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the association shall not participate in, or intervene in (including publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, this association shall not, except in insubstantial degree, engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are not in furtherance of the purposes of this association.
Article III – ORGANIZATION Section 1: The association shall include professional groups organized within the state and divisions and sections as hereinafter provided.
Section 2: The districts of the association shall be those in current use by the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Section 1: The association shall consist of members in the public and private education sectors.
Article V – OFFICERS
Section 1: The officers of the association shall be · Elected officers (3) - Executive Committee o President o President Elect o Past President · Directors o Appointed board of directors
o Representatives (4)
Section 2: A person must be a member of VADETS for 3 years to hold an office in the association.
Section 1: The business of the association shall be conducted by the VADETS Board and as hereinafter provided, by officers and committees, each constituted with voting privileges as hereinafter provided.
Section 1: The association shall conduct meetings as hereinafter provided, by officers and committees, each constituted with voting privileges as hereinafter provided.
Section 1: Honor awards may be given for meritorious service as provided in the Bylaws.
Section 1: The official publication of the association shall be the VADETS website.
Section 1: An active member of the association may propose amendments to the constitution at any time. All proposed amendments must be presented in writing to the Executive Director.
The Executive Director 1. Submits the proposed amendments to the Constitution Committee for their deliberation and recommendations.
2. Submits the proposed amendments with the Constitution Committee’s recommendations to the VADETS Board a month in advance of the time of the meeting of the Executive Committee at which a vote is taken. The VADETS Board must approve all proposed amendments by an affirmative vote equal to two-thirds of the votes cast at an official meeting. Proposed amendments which have been approved by the VADETS Board shall be referred to the general membership. 1. A two-thirds vote of active members present at the next business meeting of the association shall be necessary for final adoption of amendments. 2. Amendments must be published on the VADETS website.
Section 1: The association may be dissolved at any time by a majority vote of the VADETS Board.
· Upon dissolution of the association, assets shall be distributed to the Southeast Region Association of the American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association (SERA/ADTSEA).
Bylaws Article I - MEMBERSHIP
Section 1: Membership in the association shall be designated as Active, Honorary, Life, Emeritus, Corporate, and Student.
a) Active Membership shall consist of persons professionally prepared in the field of driver education and/or traffic safety or professionally engaged in some aspects of the program. b) Honorary Membership may be extended to persons outside VADETS deemed worthy of this distinction upon recommendation of the VADETS Board. c) Life Membership, with full privileges, shall be available to qualified persons by payment of dues specified in the By-Laws, Article VII. d) Emeritus Membership with voting privileges shall be available to retired active members. e) Corporate Membership for a corporation or company may be granted upon payment of corporate dues. f) Student Membership shall consist of those undergraduate students becoming certified in Driver Education who have paid annual dues specified in Article VII. By-laws Article II – DUTIES OF OFFICERS
Section 1: The President shall act as chair of the VADETS Board and presides at all general meetings of the association. The President shall have the authority of official action, with Executive Committee approval, to conduct necessary association business arising between regularly scheduled meetings of VADETS. The President shall be responsible for the appointment of all standing and special committee chairpersons. The President shall be responsible for association representation at regional, state, and national driver education and related safety association meetings. The President will have the responsibility for the coordination of the annual VADETS conference.
a) Board selection shall consist of appointees by the President.
b) Committee selection shall include the following areas and any other deemed necessary by the President and the VADETS Board. These chairpersons shall report back to the President and VADETS Board as needed during selected meetings of the Board. 1) Membership 2) Constitution and Bylaws 3) Conference - Executive Committee a. Site Selection b. Registration c. Program d. Exhibits 4) Awards - appointed by President a. Teacher of the Year Award – Chair, appointed by the President, and the past two award winners. b. George E. “Dick” Tyson Spark Plug Award - This award is given at the discretion of the association president. c. President Award 5. Poster, License Plate, PSA, and Bumper Sticker Contest 6. Professional Development - Assist with the conference 7. Finance and Audit – Executive Committee
Section 2: The President-elect shall preside at all meetings if the President is absent. The President-elect shall automatically succeed to the respective office of President at the conclusion of the annual fall meeting on alternating years. The President-elect shall succeed the President for the unexpired two-year term if the President is unable, for any reason, to fulfill the obligation.
Section 3: The Past-President serves the VADETS Board in an advisory capacity to provide assistance and continuity. The Past-President assists the president in planning and implementation of the annual conference.
Section 4: The Recording Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a record of all minutes and transactions of the VADETS Board and meetings of the association. The Recording Secretary-Treasurer shall assist the Executive Director in maintaining a record of all monies received and expended for the association. The Recording Secretary-Treasurer shall act as Registration Chairperson.
Section 5: All members of the VADETS Board shall serve and assist in whatever manner possible with business of the association.
Section 6: The Treasurer, appointed annually by the Executive Committee, shall serve as the chief financial officer of the association and shall perform all duties pertaining to and required of that office, including the maintenance of a detailed account of all receipts and disbursements. Annual budget and disbursements of association funds shall be made by the Treasurer under the authority of the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall give a written financial report to the members present at the annual association business meeting. Section 7: The Executive Director shall serve as an ad hoc member of all standing and appointed committees. The Executive Director shall serve as a non-voting member of the Executive Committee. The Executive Director will be responsible for daily association business transactions with approval from the President.
Section 1: There shall be an association Nominating Committee of five (5) members appointed by the President. The committee appointments shall be made not later than May 31, and their names published.
Section 2: The Nominating Committee shall give due consideration to all persons suggested for nominations. They shall prepare slates of nominees for each office. Additional candidates, with the approval of the nominee, may be nominated from the floor.
Section 3: Voting for president-elect shall be held by ballot or electronically. The directors, recording-secretary-treasurer, parliamentarian, and representatives: Department of Education, Higher Education, Corporate, and Commercial Driving Schools and committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Committee. Section 4: The term of office for elected officers shall be for two years. The Board of directors will be appointed by the President and serve a two-year term. Section 5: The President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint the recording-secretary-treasurer, parliamentarian, and representatives and committee chairpersons for a two year term. The aforementioned appointees may be re-appointed by the President-elect when he or she takes office with the approval of the Executive Committee.
Bylaws Article IV –BOARD
Section 1: The VADETS association board is comprised of VADETS members who are in good standing as association members.
1. Elected Positions
The following positions are elected by a vote of the membership at the annual business meeting: · President · President-Elect · Past President Each elected officer serves a two-year term in each position. The president’s term in office begins with the transfer of the gavel at the conclusion of the annual VADETS business meeting.
2. Appointed Positions
The following positions are appointed by the president of the association with the approval of the VADETS Board and may be reappointed by the incoming president:
3. Representative Positions
The following positions are representatives from state driver and traffic safety interests with full voting rights:
· Virginia Department of Education: Driver Education - This individual may be the state supervisor for driver education or an individual appointed by the Virginia curriculum supervisor for driver education to represent that office. · The following representatives are appointed by the president of the association with the approval of the VADETS Board and may be reappointed by the incoming president: · Higher Education (College) Representative · Corporate Representative · Commercial Driving Schools Representative
Section 2: It shall be the duty of the VADETS Board to review recommended amendments of the Constitution and Bylaws prior to the next business meeting and present the same with recommendations.
Section 3: It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to conduct business of the association between meetings.
Section 4: It shall be the duty of the Executive Director to investigate and recommend the place and date of the association’s conference.
Section 5: A majority of the members present shall constitute a quorum for transacting business.
Section 6: It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to appoint the Executive Director annually.
Section 7: In an emergency, the Executive Committee (President, President-elect, Past President) and Executive Director, as a non-voting member, can conduct the association business.
Section 1: The term “Section refers to specific professional areas of interest. The association shall include six (6) sections as follows: Driver Education, Classroom Instruction, In-Car Instruction, Multiple-Car Range, Simulation, and Highway and Traffic Safety.
Section 2: New sections may be formed upon recommendations of the VADETS Board and a majority vote of the qualified members at an official meeting. Individuals and groups wishing to form new sections or to change existing sections must make written applications to the Board.
Bylaws Article VI – COMMITTEES
Section 1: There may be Standing Committees and Special Committees.
Section 2: The Standing Committees may consist of Membership, Constitution and By-Laws, Conference, Awards, Finance and Audit.
Section 3: Special committees and continuing committees are appointed for relatively specific duties.
Section 4: The President of the association shall appoint all committees chairs. The VADETS Board shall approve members of standing committees and special committees.
Section 1: The VADETS Board may amend the dues structure based on the needs of the association. The VADETS Board has the right to set categories for corresponding dues for membership. The Fiscal Year shall coincide with the school year, July 1 to June 30. Section 2: The annual dues for active memberships, which includes VADETS registration for conferences, shall be $70.00 or as voted upon by the Board. Section 3: The annual dues for student memberships shall be $10.00or as voted upon by the Board. Section 4: Life membership may be granted to qualified persons upon the payment of $150.00or as voted upon by the Board. Beginning in 2023, life members will receive a discount to VADETS conferences. Section 5: There shall be no annual dues for Emeritus or Honorary memberships. Section 6: The dues for corporate membership shall be $100.00 or as voted upon by the Board. Section 7: Vendor membership is $50 or as voted upon by the Board to display their goods. Bylaws Article VIII – MEETINGS
Section 1: The VADETS Board shall hold at least four (4) meetings each year. a) The annual business meeting shall be held in conjunction with the state conference for driver education teachers. The election of officers and other business of the association will be conducted at this time. b) Another meeting shall be held between January – March. c) Another meeting shall be held between July – September.
Bylaws Article IX – HONOR AWARDS
Section 1: The association may also honor individuals for meritorious service in driver education, highway safety and transportation. The Teacher of the Year Award and the Spark Plug Award shall be presented during the meeting held in conjunction with the annual state conference for driver education teachers.
Bylaws Article X – WEBSITE
Section 1: The association website shall be updated regularly and at other times when it is determined necessary by the VADETS Board. New content of the website shall be sent to members of the association and to other state associations.
Bylaws Article XI – RULES OF ORDER
Section 1: Questions of procedures not covered by this Constitution and Bylaws shall be decided according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
Bylaws Article XII – AMENDMENTS
Section 1: An active member of the association may propose amendments to the bylaws at any time. All proposed amendments must be approved by a majority vote of the VADETS Board. Revised July, 2022